Monday, 15 September 2014

Alistair medium-guy

Alistair didn't usually feel ill. Every year he would maybe stay in bed for a couple of days, with a mild temperature, reading magazines and watching old Only Fools and Horses episodes. That end of Summer though, he caught a bad cold and because he hadn't looked after it, it turned into laryngitis. This meant that he had to stay at home for a few days, with an awfully high temperature, taking pain killers and antibiotics.

During this period of illness, his friend Robin had called him to ask him to go and see their friend Jack in Derby. "Sorry mate, can't come because I'm ill.. got this flipping laryngitis." "You lucky bastard, I wish I was in your place".
Robin saw the practical side of it. With his bank clerk's job, being ill was a real bargain. You got to stay at home with a full salary. Problem was that Ali was working as a precarious part-time student part-time free lance copywriter. There wasn't much social security for this type of very common human being situation unfortunately.
Nevertheless, they agreed they'd go and see their mate at the end of the month and that way other members of the crew could join them: Simon, Frank, Andrew, perhaps Thomas.

On the Monday Alistair went back to work. It was his turn to cook lunch for everyone so he had spent the weekend making pasta à la Norma. Why on earth he had ventured cooking a complicated Sicilian dish didn't pass his mind. He hated cooking and his favourite meal was beans on toast, but to make his colleagues happy and get a better respected position at work, he wanted to test his chef skills and try and grab everyone literally by the stomach.
He had decided that he'd go to work even though he wasn't fit, because he hadn't got a temperature anymore, even if he still had a cold and sore throat, and because there were many things on his "to do list" but most of all because he didn't have a contract that said he could stay at home when he was ill. Actually he didn't have a contract at all. He was paid with food stamps and petrol vouchers and maybe a few hundred quid every now and then.

"Why are you here if you're on antibiotics, you must be contagious." His colleague Natalie knew how to go straight to the point without being too tactful and friendly. She was particularly concerned about her newborn baby and was afraid of catching something - she had spent three weeks at home in February, because of Bronchitis - so she couldn't care too much that Alistair had been ill. She didn't bother seeming too worried, because in their modern social media oriented business ethics it wasn't very important to show much human care towards your peers, especially when you were face to face or side to side in the same room. Even more so if there were lots of deadlines and unhappy customers.

That evening the council meeting about the building of a new supermarket in their borough had been shorter than usual so he managed to go to Ivan's, the Russian bar down the road, with his old friend from school Ted and watch almost the entire First Leg of Ajax vs Tottenham. While watching the game they chatted about what they'd done during the holidays. They had a lot to catch up with but were too tired to go through everything, so they focused only on the highlights.
Djing: medium. Football: medium. Downing pints: mediocre. Writing: medium. All through the conversation Alistair had kept thinking of how he wasn't particularly good at anything, even though he wasn't total crap overall. He liked to think of things in terms of cartoon characters It gave him a proper perspective. A week before he had watched the whole of Superman 3D with his oldest nephew, so Super-man was the first thing he could think of and this made him suddenly realize who he was and had always beem: indeed he was medium-man.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Palladian Illustration

In this work, which I exhibited at the 2013 edition of Lucca Mail Art, I had to work within the limits of format and the media, which had to be an envelope.

Title: "Città a misura d'uomo"
Mixed media on envelope
cm 18x13

Water work

Here are a series of paintings which I made in the past few months, dealing with natural landscapes, animal inspired creations and water in general.

Title: "Atmosfere ittiche"
Mixed media on canvas
cm 60x40

Title: "Summer in Istria"
Acrylic on canvas
cm 50x20

Title: "Friends of the Giudecca"
Mixed media on canvas
cm 80x30

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Video editing and videomaking - A big challenge and also a source of inspiration

In the past year I have entered a world that was previously quite unknown to me: the one of video making and video editing.
As part of my master in Tecnologia della Didattica at the Milan Politechnic, I had to follow a video editing module, which gave me the opportunity to learn the essentials of video making software and to think of a storyboard, this time not for illustrations but for a short length video.

This is the first experience I had with video editing, where I simply had to put together footage that had already been filmed with a smartphone and add subtitles and modify the audio.
This was actually part of my work experience for a wine communication studio and it was quite basic, since the aim of the commissioner was to explain how a "sboccatore" works.

Another video I enjoyed editing was one about the Tate Modern in London, where artist and musician Moby guides us through the museum collection, talking about his favo(u)rite works of a art.
I recorded my own voice and I must say it sounds quite weird.